Hey Lovers,

I am very excited you have clicked your way right here to my page. It has been genuinely pieced together with the two of you in mind. It holds all of the information you need to start your wedding planning journey.  

Your celebrant is a vital part of your team. We do so much more than just the legal part in your day. Your ceremony can be warm, fun and engaging as we celebrate your beautiful story with all of your special people.

When it comes to your wedding planning research, reviews are such an important part, so please do check out mine, click here from the many gorgeous couples I have already had the privilege of marrying!

If you both want an energy and a vibe that cannot be matched on your wedding day, send me an enquiry through ‘say hi’ or ‘connect’.

Get married in the best way possible so it is your wedding day everyone is still talking about in years to come! 

I would love nothing more than to be part of your dream team! 

Love Sommer xx

‘Awarded ABIA Number 1 Celebrant in QLD for 2022’


What I Offer

Let’s work together

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